Multilateral Staff Notice: 21-301 - Canadian Venture Exchange
Multilateral Staff Notice: 21-301 - Canadian Venture Exchange
Canadian Venture Exchange
Effective November 26, 1999, the Alberta Stock Exchange (the "ASE") and theVancouver Stock Exchange (the "VSE") merged to form the Canadian Venture ExchangeInc. ("CDNX"). The VSE and ASE have advised the Canadian Securities Administratorsthat by operation of law CDNX is a successor company of both the VSE and ASE as aresult of the merger.
Certain of the existing regulations, rules, orders, policies, notices or otherinstruments (the "Exchange Provisions") in the jurisdictions of various Canadian SecuritiesAdministrators may refer to the VSE or ASE or both. As circumstances permit, the relevantsecurities regulatory authorities will be reviewing proposed amendments to their respectiveExchange Provisions as necessary to reflect the merger of the VSE and ASE to formCDNX. Until further notice, references to the VSE or the ASE in existing ExchangeProvisions may be treated and interpreted as references to CDNX in the interim period.
This notice is issued by each of the jurisdictions represented in the CSA, except forQuebec, which will issue its own local notice.
November 26, 1999