Unofficial Consolidation: Form 51-102F5 Information Circular

Unofficial Consolidation: Form 51-102F5 Information Circular

Unofficial Consolidation Forms

Ontario Securities Commission

Form 51-102F5

Unofficial consolidation current to 2015-06-30

This document is not an official statement of law or policy and should be used for reference purposes only.

Form 51-102F5



(a)                  Timing of Information

(b)                  Use of "Company"

(c)                  Incorporating Information by Reference

(d)                  Defined Terms

(e)                  Plain Language

(f)                   Numbering and Headings

(g)                  Tables and Figures

(h)                  Omitting Information


Item 1          Date

Item 2          Revocability of Proxy

Item 3          Persons Making the Solicitation

Item 4          Proxy Instructions

Item 5          Interest of Certain Persons or Companies in Matters to be Acted Upon

Item 6          Voting Securities and Principal Holders of Voting Securities

Item 7          Election of Directors

Item 8          Executive Compensation

Item 9          Securities Authorized for Issuance Under Equity Compensation Plans

Item 10        Indebtedness of Directors and Executive Officers

Item 11        Interest of Informed Persons in Material Transactions

Item 12        Appointment of Auditor

Item 13        Management Contracts

Item 14        Particulars of Matters to be Acted Upon

Item 15        Restricted Securities

Item 16        Additional Information




(a)          Timing of Information

The information required by this Form 51-102F5 must be given as of a specified date not more than thirty days prior to the date you first send the information circular to any securityholder of the company.

(b)          Use of "Company"

Wherever this Form uses the word "company", the term includes other types of business organizations such as partnerships, trusts and other unincorporated business entities.

(c)          Incorporating Information by Reference

You may incorporate information required to be included in your information circular by reference to another document. Clearly identify the referenced document or any excerpt of it that you incorporate into your information circular. Unless you have already filed the referenced document or excerpt, including any documents incorporated by reference into the document or excerpt, you must file it with your information circular. You must also disclose that the document is on SEDAR at and that, upon request, you will promptly provide a copy of any such document free of charge to a securityholder of the company. However, you may not incorporate information required to be included in Form 51-102F6  Statement of Executive Compensation or Form 51-102F6V Statement of Executive Compensation – Venture Issuers by reference into your information circular.

(d)          Defined Terms

If a term is used but not defined in this Form, refer to Part 1 of National Instrument 51-102 and to National Instrument 14-101 Definitions. If a term is used in this Form and is defined in both the securities statute of the local jurisdiction and in National Instrument 51-102, refer to section 1.4 of Companion Policy 51-102CP for further guidance.

This Form also uses accounting terms that are defined or used in Canadian GAAP applicable to publicly accountable enterprises. For further guidance, see subsections 1.4(7) and (8) of Companion Policy 51-102CP.

(e)          Plain Language

Write this document so that readers are able to understand it. Refer to the plain language principles listed in section 1.5 of Companion Policy 51-102CP for further guidance. If you use technical terms, explain them in a clear and concise manner.

(f)           Numbering and Headings

The numbering, headings and ordering of items included in this Form are guidelines only. You do not need to include the headings or numbering or follow the order of items in this Form. Disclosure provided in response to any item need not be repeated elsewhere.

(g)          Tables and Figures

Where it is practicable and appropriate, present information in tabular form. State all amounts in figures.

(h)          Omitting Information

You do not need to respond to any item in this Form that is inapplicable. You may also omit information that is not known to the person or company on whose behalf the solicitation is made and that is not reasonably within the power of the person or company to obtain, if you briefly state the circumstances that render the information unavailable.

You may omit information that was contained in another information circular, notice of meeting or form of proxy sent to the same persons or companies whose proxies were solicited in connection with the same meeting, as long as you clearly identify the particular document containing the information.


Item 1    Date

Specify the date of the information circular.

Item 2    Revocability of Proxy

State whether the person or company giving the proxy has the power to revoke it. If any right of revocation is limited or is subject to compliance with any formal procedure, briefly describe the limitation or procedure.

Item 3    Persons Making the Solicitation

3.1         If a solicitation is made by or on behalf of management of the company, state this. Name any director of the company who has informed management in writing that he or she intends to oppose any action intended to be taken by management at the meeting and indicate the action that he or she intends to oppose.

3.2         If a solicitation is made other than by or on behalf of management of the company, state this and give the name of the person or company by whom, or on whose behalf, it is made.

3.3         If the solicitation is to be made other than by mail, describe the method to be employed. If the solicitation is to be made by specially engaged employees or soliciting agents, state,

(a)          the parties to and material features of any contract or arrangement for the solicitation; and

(b)          the cost or anticipated cost thereof.

3.4         State who has borne or will bear, directly or indirectly, the cost of soliciting.

Item 4    Proxy Instructions

4.1         The information circular or the form of proxy to which the information circular relates must indicate in bold-face type that the securityholder has the right to appoint a person or company to represent the securityholder at the meeting other than the person or company, if any, designated in the form of proxy and must contain instructions as to the manner in which the securityholder may exercise the right.

4.2         The information circular or the form of proxy to which the information circular relates must state that the securities represented by the proxy will be voted or withheld from voting in accordance with the instructions of the securityholder on any ballot that may be called for and that, if the securityholder specifies a choice with respect to any matter to be acted upon, the securities will be voted accordingly.

4.3         The information circular must include the following, if applicable:

(a)          a statement that the reporting issuer is sending proxy-related materials to registered holders or beneficial owners using notice-and-access and, if stratification will be used, a description of the types of registered holders or beneficial owners who will receive paper copies of the information circular and, if applicable, the documents in paragraph 9.1.1(2)(b);

(b)          a statement that the reporting issuer is sending proxy-related materials directly to non-objecting beneficial owners under NI 54-101;

(c)          a statement that management of the reporting issuer does not intend to pay for intermediaries to forward to objecting beneficial owners under NI 54-101 the proxy-related materials and Form 54-101F7 – Request for Voting Instructions Made by Intermediary, and that in the case of an objecting beneficial owner, the objecting beneficial owner will not receive the materials unless the objecting beneficial owner’s intermediary assumes the cost of delivery.

Item 5    Interest of Certain Persons or Companies in Matters to be Acted Upon

Briefly describe any material interest, direct or indirect, by way of beneficial ownership of securities or otherwise, of each of the following persons or companies in any matter to be acted upon other than the election of directors or the appointment of auditors:

(a)          if the solicitation is made by or on behalf of management of the company, each person who has been a director or executive officer of the company at any time since the beginning of the company's last financial year;

(b)          if the solicitation is made other than by or on behalf of management of the company, each person or company by whom, or on whose behalf, directly or indirectly, the solicitation is made;

(c)          each proposed nominee for election as a director of the company; and

(d)          each associate or affiliate of any of the persons or companies listed in paragraphs (a) to (c).


(i)           The following persons and companies are deemed to be persons or companies by whom or on whose behalf the solicitation is made (collectively, "solicitors" or individually a "solicitor"):

(A)         any member of a committee or group that solicits proxies, and any person or company whether or not named as a member who, acting alone or with one or more other persons or companies, directly or indirectly takes the initiative or engages in organizing, directing or financing any such committee or group;

(B)         any person or company who contributes, or joins with another to contribute, more than $250 to finance the solicitation of proxies; or

(C)         any person or company who lends money, provides credit, or enters into any other arrangements, under any contract or understanding with a solicitor, for the purpose of financing or otherwise inducing the purchase, sale, holding or voting of securities of the company but not including a bank or other lending institution or a dealer that, in the ordinary course of business, lends money or executes orders for the purchase or sale of securities.

(ii)          Subject to paragraph (i), the following persons and companies are deemed not to be solicitors:

(A)         any person or company retained or employed by a solicitor to solicit proxies or any person or company who merely transmits proxy-soliciting material or performs ministerial or clerical duties;

(B)         any person or company employed or retained by a solicitor in the capacity of lawyer, accountant, or advertising, public relations, investor relations or financial advisor and whose activities are limited to the performance of their duties in the course of the employment or retainer;

(C)         any person regularly employed as an officer or employee of the company or any of its affiliates; or

(D)         any officer or director of, or any person regularly employed by, any solicitor.

Item 6    Voting Securities and Principal Holders of Voting Securities

6.1         For each class of voting securities of the company entitled to be voted at the meeting, state the number of securities outstanding and the particulars of voting rights for each class.

6.2         For each class of restricted securities, provide the information required in subsection 10.1(1) of National Instrument 51-102.

6.3         Give the record date as of which the securityholders entitled to vote at the meeting will be determined or particulars as to the closing of the security transfer register, as the case may be, and, if the right to vote is not limited to securityholders of record as of the specified record date, indicate the conditions under which securityholders are entitled to vote.

6.4         If action is to be taken with respect to the election of directors and if the securityholders or any class of securityholders have the right to elect a specified number of directors or have cumulative or similar voting rights, include a statement of such rights and state briefly the conditions precedent, if any, to the exercise thereof.

6.5         If, to the knowledge of the company's directors or executive officers, any person or company beneficially owns, or controls or directs, directly or indirectly, voting securities carrying 10 per cent or more of the voting rights attached to any class of voting securities of the company, name each person or company and state

(a)          the approximate number of securities beneficially owned, or controlled or directed, directly or indirectly, by each such person or company; and

(b)          the percentage of the class of outstanding voting securities of the company represented by the number of voting securities so owned, controlled or directed, directly or indirectly.

Item 7    Election of Directors

7.1         If directors are to be elected, provide the following information, in tabular form to the extent practicable, for each person proposed to be nominated for election as a director (a "proposed director") and each other person whose term of office as a director will continue after the meeting:

(a)          State the name, province or state, and country of residence, of each director and proposed director.

(b)          State the period or periods during which each director has served as a director and when the term of office for each director and proposed director will expire.

(c)          Identify the members of each committee of the board.

(d)          State the present principal occupation, business or employment of each director and proposed director. Give the name and principal business of any company in which any such employment is carried on. Furnish similar information as to all of the principal occupations, businesses or employments of each proposed director within the five preceding years, unless the proposed director is now a director and was elected to the present term of office by a vote of securityholders at a meeting, the notice of which was accompanied by an information circular.

(e)          if a director or proposed director has held more than one position in the company, or a parent or subsidiary, state only the first and last position held.

(f)          State the number of securities of each class of voting securities of the company or any of its subsidiaries beneficially owned, or controlled or directed, directly or indirectly, by each proposed director.

(g)          If securities carrying 10 per cent or more of the voting rights attached to all voting securities of the company or of any of its subsidiaries are beneficially owned, or controlled or directed, directly or indirectly, by any proposed director and the proposed director's associates or affiliates,

(i)           state the number of securities of each class of voting securities beneficially owned, or controlled or directed, directly or indirectly, by the associates or affiliates; and

(ii)          name each associate or affiliate whose security holdings are 10 per cent or more.

7.2         If a proposed director

(a)          is, as at the date of the information circular, or has been, within 10 years before the date of the information circular, a director, chief executive officer or chief financial officer of any company (including the company in respect of which the information circular is being prepared) that,

(i)           was subject to an order that was issued while the proposed director was acting in the capacity as director, chief executive officer or chief financial officer; or

(ii)          was subject to an order that was issued after the proposed director ceased to be a director, chief executive officer or chief financial officer and which resulted from an event that occurred while that person was acting in the capacity as director, chief executive officer or chief financial officer,

state the fact and describe the basis on which the order was made and whether the order is still in effect; or

(b)          is, as at the date of the information circular, or has been within 10 years before the date of the information circular, a director or executive officer of any company (including the company in respect of which the information circular is being prepared) that, while that person was acting in that capacity, or within a year of that person ceasing to act in that capacity, became bankrupt, made a proposal under any legislation relating to bankruptcy or insolvency or was subject to or instituted any proceedings, arrangement or compromise with creditors or had a receiver, receiver manager or trustee appointed to hold its assets, state the fact; or

(c)          has, within the 10 years before the date of the information circular, become bankrupt, made a proposal under any legislation relating to bankruptcy or insolvency, or become subject to or instituted any proceedings, arrangement or compromise with creditors, or had a receiver, receiver manager or trustee appointed to hold the assets of the proposed director, state the fact.

7.2.1      Describe the penalties or sanctions imposed and the grounds on which they were imposed, or the terms of the settlement agreement and the circumstances that gave rise to the settlement agreement, if a proposed director has been subject to

(a)          any penalties or sanctions imposed by a court relating to securities legislation or by a securities regulatory authority or has entered into a settlement agreement with a securities regulatory authority; or

(b)          any other penalties or sanctions imposed by a court or regulatory body that would likely be considered important to a reasonable securityholder in deciding whether to vote for a proposed director.

7.2.2      Despite section 7.2.1, no disclosure is required of a settlement agreement entered into before December 31, 2000 unless the disclosure would likely be important to a reasonable securityholder in deciding whether to vote for a proposed director.


(i)           The disclosure required by sections 7.2 and 7.2.1 also applies to any personal holding companies of the proposed director.

(ii)          A management cease trade order which applies to directors or executive officers of a company is an "order" for the purposes of paragraph 7.2(a)(i) and must be disclosed, whether or not the proposed director was named in the order.

(iii)          A late filing fee, such as a filing fee that applies to the late filing of an insider report, is not a "penalty or sanction" for the purposes of section 7.2.1.

(iv)         The disclosure in paragraph 7.2(a)(i) only applies if the proposed director was a director, chief executive officer or chief financial officer when the order was issued against the company. You do not have to provide disclosure if the proposed director became a director, chief executive officer or chief financial officer after the order was issued.

7.2.3      For the purposes of subsection 7.2(a), "order" means

(a)          a cease trade order;

(b)          an order similar to a cease trade order; or

(c)          an order that denied the relevant company access to any exemption under securities legislation,

that was in effect for a period of more than 30 consecutive days.

7.3         If any proposed director is to be elected under any arrangement or understanding between the proposed director and any other person or company, except the directors and executive officers of the company acting solely in such capacity, name the other person or company and describe briefly the arrangement or understanding.

Item 8    Executive Compensation

If you are sending this information circular in connection with a meeting

(a)          that is an annual general meeting,

(b)          at which the company's directors are to be elected, or

(c)          at which the company's securityholders will be asked to vote on a matter relating to executive compensation,

include a completed Form 51-102F6 Statement of Executive Compensation or, in the case of a venture issuer, a completed Form 51-102F6 Statement of Executive Compensation or a completed Form 51-102F6V Statement of Executive Compensation – Venture Issuers..

Item 9    Securities Authorized for Issuance Under Equity Compensation Plans

9.1         Equity Compensation Plan Information

(1)          Provide the information in subsection (2) if you are sending this information circular in connection with a meeting

(a)          that is an annual general meeting,

(b)          at which the company's directors are to be elected, or

(c)          at which the company's securityholders will be asked to vote on a matter relating to executive compensation or a transaction that involves the company issuing securities.

(2)          In the tabular form under the caption set out, provide the information specified in section 9.2 as of the end of the company's most recently completed financial year with respect to compensation plans under which equity securities of the company are authorized for issuance, aggregated as follows:

(a)          all compensation plans previously approved by securityholders; and

(b)          all compensation plans not previously approved by securityholders.

Equity Compensation Plan Information

Plan Category

Number of securities to be issued upon exercise of outstanding options, warrants and rights

Weighted-average exercise price of outstanding options, warrants and rights

Number of securities remaining available for future issuance under equity compensation plans (excluding securities reflected in column





Equity compensation plans approved by securityholders




Equity compensation plans not approved by securityholders








9.2         Include in the table the following information as of the end of the company's most recently completed financial year for each category of compensation plan described in section 9.1:

(a)          the number of securities to be issued upon the exercise of outstanding options, warrants and rights (column (a));

(b)          the weighted-average exercise price of the outstanding options, warrants and rights disclosed under subsection 9.2(a) (column (b)); and

(c)          other than securities to be issued upon the exercise of the outstanding options, warrants and rights disclosed in subsection 9.2(a), the number of securities remaining available for future issuance under the plan (column (c)).

9.3         For each compensation plan under which equity securities of the company are authorized for issuance and that was adopted without the approval of securityholders, describe briefly, in narrative form, the material features of the plan.


(i)           The disclosure under Item 9 relating to compensation plans must include individual compensation arrangements.

(ii)          Provide disclosure with respect to any compensation plan of the company (or parent, subsidiary or affiliate of the company) under which equity securities of the company are authorized for issuance to employees or non-employees (such as directors, consultants, advisors, vendors, customers, suppliers or lenders) in exchange for consideration in the form of goods or services. You do not have to provide disclosure regarding any plan, contract or arrangement for the issuance of warrants or rights to all securityholders of the company on a pro rata basis (such as a rights offering).

(iii)          If more than one class of equity security is issued under the company's compensation plans, disclose aggregate plan information for each class of security separately.

(iv)         You may aggregate information regarding individual compensation arrangements with the plan information required under subsections 9.1(a) and (b), as applicable.

(v)          You may aggregate information regarding a compensation plan assumed in connection with a merger, consolidation or other acquisition transaction pursuant to which the company may make subsequent grants or awards of its equity securities with the plan information required under subsections 9.1(a) and (b), as applicable. Disclose on an aggregated basis in a footnote to the table the information required under subsections 9.2(a) and (b) with respect to any individual options, warrants or rights outstanding under the compensation plan assumed in connection with a merger, consolidation or other acquisition transaction.

(vi)         To the extent that the number of securities remaining available for future issuance disclosed in column (c) includes securities available for future issuance under any compensation plan other than upon the exercise of an option, warrant or right, disclose the number of securities and type of plan separately for each such plan in a footnote to the table.

(vii)        If the description of a compensation plan set forth in the company's financial statements contains the disclosure required by section 9.3, a cross-reference to the description satisfies the requirements of section 9.3.

(viii)        an equity compensation plan contains a formula for calculating the number of securities available for issuance under the plan, including, without limitation, a formula that automatically increases the number of securities available for issuance by a percentage of the number of outstanding securities of the company, describe this formula in a footnote to the table.

Item 10  Indebtedness of Directors and Executive Officers

10.1       Aggregate Indebtedness



To the Company or its Subsidiaries

To Another Entity




Share purchases






(1)          Complete the above table for the aggregate indebtedness outstanding as at a date within thirty days before the date of the information circular entered into in connection with:

(a)          a purchase of securities; and

(b)          all other indebtedness.

(2)          Report separately the indebtedness to

(a)          the company or any of its subsidiaries (column (b)); and

(b)          another entity if the indebtedness is the subject of a guarantee, support agreement, letter of credit or other similar arrangement or understanding provided by the company or any of its subsidiaries (column (c)),

of all executive officers, directors, employees and former executive officers, directors and employees of the company or any of its subsidiaries.

(3)          "Support agreement" includes, but is not limited to, an agreement to provide assistance in the maintenance or servicing of any indebtedness and an agreement to provide compensation for the purpose of maintaining or servicing any indebtedness of the borrower.

10.2       Indebtedness of Directors and Executive Officers under (1) Securities Purchase and (2) Other Programs


Name and Principal Position

Involvement of Company or Subsidiary

Largest Amount Outstanding During [Most Recently Completed Financial Year]

Amount Outstanding as at [Date within 30 days]

Financially Assisted Securities Purchases During [Most Recently Completed Financial Year]

Security for Indebtedness

Amount Forgiven During [Most Recently Completed Financial Year]








Securities Purchase Programs















Other Programs















(1)          Complete the above table for each individual who is, or at any time during the most recently completed financial year was, a director or executive officer of the company, each proposed nominee for election as a director of the company, and each associate of any such director, executive officer or proposed nominee,

(a)          who is, or at any time since the beginning of the most recently completed financial year of the company has been, indebted to the company or any of its subsidiaries, or

(b)          whose indebtedness to another entity is, or at any time since the beginning of the most recently completed financial year has been, the subject of a guarantee, support agreement, letter of credit or other similar arrangement or understanding provided by the company or any of its subsidiaries,

and separately disclose the indebtedness for security purchase programs and all other programs.

(2)          Note the following:

Column (a) – disclose the name and principal position of the borrower. If the borrower was, during the most recently completed financial year, but no longer is a director or executive officer, state that fact. If the borrower is a proposed nominee for election as a director, state that fact. If the borrower is included as an associate, describe briefly the relationship of the borrower to an individual who is or, during the financial year, was a director or executive officer or who is a proposed nominee for election as a director, name that individual and provide the information required by this subparagraph for that individual.

Column (b) – disclose whether the company or a subsidiary of the company is the lender or the provider of a guarantee, support agreement, letter of credit or similar arrangement or understanding.

Column (c) – disclose the largest aggregate amount of the indebtedness outstanding at any time during the most recently completed financial year.

Column (d) – disclose the aggregate amount of indebtedness outstanding as at a date within thirty days before the date of the information circular.

Column (e) – disclose separately for each class or series of securities, the sum of the number of securities purchased during the most recently completed financial year with the financial assistance (security purchase programs only).

Column (f) – disclose the security for the indebtedness, if any, provided to the company, any of its subsidiaries or the other entity (security purchase programs only).

Column (g) – disclose the total amount of indebtedness that was forgiven at any time during the most recently completed financial year.

(3)          Supplement the above table with a summary discussion of

(a)          the material terms of each incidence of indebtedness and, if applicable, of each guarantee, support agreement, letter of credit or other similar arrangement or understanding, including

(i)           the nature of the transaction in which the indebtedness was incurred;

(ii)          the rate of interest;

(iii)          the term to maturity;

(iv)         any understanding, agreement or intention to limit recourse; and

(v)          any security for the indebtedness;

(b)          any material adjustment or amendment made during the most recently completed financial year to the terms of the indebtedness and, if applicable, the guarantee, support agreement, letter of credit or similar arrangement or understanding. Forgiveness of indebtedness reported in column (g) of the above table should be explained; and

(c)          the class or series of the securities purchased with financial assistance or held as security for the indebtedness and, if the class or series of securities is not publicly traded, all material terms of the securities, including the provisions for exchange, conversion, exercise, redemption, retraction and dividends.

10.3       You do not need to disclose information required by this Item

(a)          if you are not sending this information circular in connection with a meeting

(i)           that is an annual general meeting,

(ii)          at which the company's directors are to be elected, or

(iii)          at which the company's securityholders will be asked to vote on a matter relating to executive compensation,

(b)          for any indebtedness that has been entirely repaid on or before the date of the information circular, or

(c)          for routine indebtedness.

"Routine indebtedness" means indebtedness described in any of the following clauses:

(i)           If the company or its subsidiary makes loans to employees generally,

(A)         the loans are made on terms no more favourable than the terms on which loans are made by the company or its subsidiary to employees generally, and

(B)         the amount, at any time during the last completed financial year, remaining unpaid under the loans to the director, executive officer or proposed nominee, together with his or her associates, does not exceed $50,000.

(ii)          A loan to a person or company who is a full-time employee of the company,

(A)         that is fully secured against the residence of the borrower, and

(B)         the amount of which in total does not exceed the annual salary of the borrower.

(iii)         If the company or its subsidiary makes loans in the ordinary course of business, a loan made to a person or company other than a full-time employee of the company

(A)         on substantially the same terms, including those as to interest rate and security, as are available when a loan is made to other customers of the company or its subsidiary with comparable credit, and

(B)         with no more than the usual risks of collectibility.

(iv)         A loan arising by reason of purchases made on usual trade terms or of ordinary travel or expense advances, or for similar reasons, if the repayment arrangements are in accord with usual commercial practice.

Item 11  Interest of Informed Persons in Material Transactions

Describe briefly and, where practicable, state the approximate amount of any material interest, direct or indirect, of any informed person of the company, any proposed director of the company, or any associate or affiliate of any informed person or proposed director, in any transaction since the commencement of the company's most recently completed financial year or in any proposed transaction which has materially affected or would materially affect the company or any of its subsidiaries.


(i)           Briefly describe the material transaction. State the name and address of each person or company whose interest in any transaction is described and the nature of the relationship giving rise to the interest.

(ii)          For any transaction involving the purchase or sale of assets by or to the company or any subsidiary, other than in the ordinary course of business, state the cost of the assets to the purchaser and the cost of the assets to the seller, if acquired by the seller within two years prior to the transaction.

(iii)          This Item does not apply to any interest arising from the ownership of securities of the company where the securityholder receives no extra or special benefit or advantage not shared on a proportionate basis by all holders of the same class of securities or by all holders of the same class of securities who are resident in Canada.

(iv)         Include information as to any material underwriting discounts or commissions upon the sale of securities by the company where any of the specified persons or companies was or is to be an underwriter in a contractual relationship with the company with respect to securities or is an associate or affiliate of a person or company that was or is to be such an underwriter.

(v)          You do not need to disclose the information required by this Item for any transaction or any interest in that transaction if

(A)         the rates or charges involved in the transaction are fixed by law or determined by competitive bids,

(B)         the interest of the specified person in the transaction is solely that of director of another company that is a party to the transaction,

(C)         the transaction involves services as a bank or other depositary of funds, transfer agent, registrar, trustee under a trust indenture or other similar services, or

(D)         the transaction does not directly or indirectly, involve remuneration for services, and

(I)           the interest of the specified person or company arose from the beneficial ownership, direct or indirect, of less than 10 per cent of any class of voting securities of another company that is a party to the transaction,

(II)          the transaction is in the ordinary course of business of the company or its subsidiaries, and

(III)         the amount of the transaction or series of transactions is less than 10 per cent of the total sales or purchases, as the case may be, of the company and its subsidiaries for the most recently completed financial year.

(vi)         Provide information for transactions not excluded above which involve remuneration, directly or indirectly, to any of the specified persons or companies for services in any capacity unless the interest of the person arises solely from the beneficial ownership, direct or indirect, of less than 10 per cent of any class of voting securities of another company furnishing the services to the company or its subsidiaries.

Item 12  Appointment of Auditor

Name the auditor of the company. If the auditor was first appointed within the last five years, state the date when the auditor was first appointed.

If action is to be taken to replace an auditor, provide the information required under section 4.11 of National Instrument 51-102.

Item 13  Management Contracts

If management functions of the company or any of its subsidiaries are to any substantial degree performed other than by the directors or executive officers of the company or subsidiary,

(a)          give details of the agreement or arrangement under which the management functions are performed, including the name and address of any person or company who is a party to the agreement or arrangement or who is responsible for performing the management functions;

(b)          give the names and provinces of residence of any person that was, during the most recently completed financial year, an informed person of any person or company with which the company or subsidiary has any such agreement or arrangement and, if the following information is known to the directors or executive officers of the company, give the names and provinces of residence of any person or company that would be an informed person of any person or company with which the company or subsidiary has any such agreement or arrangement if the person were an issuer;

(c)          for any person or company named under paragraph (a) state the amounts paid or payable by the company and its subsidiaries to the person or company since the commencement of the most recently completed financial year and give particulars; and

(d)          for any person or company named under paragraph (a) or (b) and their associates or affiliates, give particulars of,

(i)           any indebtedness of the person, company, associate or affiliate to the company or its subsidiaries that was outstanding, and

(ii)          any transaction or arrangement of the person, company, associate or affiliate with the company or subsidiary, at any time since the start of the company's most recently completed financial year.


(i)           Do not refer to any matter that is relatively insignificant.

(ii)          In giving particulars of indebtedness, state the largest aggregate amount of indebtedness outstanding at any time during the period, the nature of the indebtedness and of the transaction in which it was incurred, the amount of the indebtedness presently outstanding and the rate of interest paid or charged on the indebtedness.

(iii)          Do not include as indebtedness amounts due from the particular person for purchases subject to usual trade terms, for ordinary travel and expense advances and for other similar transactions.

Item 14  Particulars of Matters to be Acted Upon

14.1       If action is to be taken on any matter to be submitted to the meeting of securityholders other than the approval of annual financial statements, briefly describe the substance of the matter, or related groups of matters, except to the extent described under the foregoing items, in sufficient detail to enable reasonable securityholders to form a reasoned judgment concerning the matter. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, such matters include alterations of share capital, charter amendments, property acquisitions or dispositions, reverse takeovers, amalgamations, mergers, arrangements or reorganizations and other similar transactions.

14.2       If the action to be taken is in respect of a significant acquisition as determined under Part 8 of National Instrument 51-102 under which securities of the acquired business are being exchanged for the company's securities, or in respect of a restructuring transaction under which securities are to be changed, exchanged, issued or distributed, include disclosure for

(a)          the company, if the company has not filed all documents required under National Instrument 51-102,

(b)          the business being acquired, if the matter is a significant acquisition,

(c)          each entity, other than the company, whose securities are being changed, exchanged, issued or distributed, if

(i)           the matter is a restructuring transaction, and

(ii)          the company's current securityholders will have an interest in that entity after the restructuring transaction is completed, and

(d)          each entity that would result from the significant acquisition or restructuring transaction, if the company's securityholders will have an interest in that entity after the significant acquisition or restructuring transaction is completed.

The disclosure for the company, business or entity must be the disclosure (including financial statements) prescribed under securities legislation and described in the form of prospectus that the company, business or entity, respectively, would be eligible to use immediately prior to the sending and filing of the information circular in respect of the significant acquisition or restructuring transaction, for a distribution of securities in the jurisdiction.

14.3       If the matter is one that is not required to be submitted to a vote of securityholders, state the reasons for submitting it to securityholders and state what action management intends to take in the event of a negative vote by the securityholders.

14.4       Section 14.2 does not apply to an information circular that is sent to holders of voting securities of a reporting issuer soliciting proxies otherwise than on behalf of management of the reporting issuer (a "dissident circular"), unless the sender of the dissident circular is proposing a significant acquisition or restructuring transaction involving the reporting issuer and the sender, under which securities of the sender, or an affiliate of the sender, are to be distributed or transferred to securityholders of the reporting issuer. However, a sender of a dissident circular shall include in the dissident circular the disclosure required by section 14.2 if the sender of the dissident circular is proposing a significant acquisition or restructuring transaction under which securities of the sender or securities of an affiliate of the sender are to be changed, exchanged, issued or distributed.

14.5       A company satisfies section 14.2 if it prepares an information circular in connection with a Qualifying Transaction, for a company that is a CPC, or in connection with a Reverse Take-Over (as Qualifying Transaction, CPC and Reverse Take-Over are defined in the TSX Venture Exchange policies) provided that the company complies with the policies and requirements of the TSX Venture Exchange in respect of that Qualifying Transaction or Reverse Take-Over.


For the purposes of section 14.2, a securityholder will not be considered to have an interest in an entity after an acquisition or restructuring transaction is completed if the securityholder will only hold a redeemable security that is immediately redeemed for cash.

Item 15  Restricted Securities

15.1       If the action to be taken involves a transaction that would have the effect of converting or subdividing, in whole or in part, existing securities into restricted securities, or creating new restricted securities, the information circular must also include, as part of the minimum disclosure required, a detailed description of:

(a)          the voting rights attached to the restricted securities that are the subject of the transaction or that will result from the transaction either directly or following a conversion, exchange or exercise, and the voting rights, if any, attached to the securities of any other class of securities of the company that are the same or greater on a per security basis than those attached to the restricted securities that are the subject of the transaction or that will result from the transaction either directly or following a conversion, exchange or exercise;

(b)          the percentage of the aggregate voting rights attached to the company's securities that are represented by the class of restricted securities;

(c)          any significant provisions under applicable corporate and securities law, in particular whether the restricted securities may or may not be tendered in any takeover bid for securities of the reporting issuer having voting rights superior to those attached to the restricted securities, that do not apply to the holders of the restricted securities that are the subject of the transaction or that will result from the transaction either directly or following a conversion, exchange or exercise, but do apply to the holders of another class of equity securities, and the extent of any rights provided in the constating documents or otherwise for the protection of holders of the restricted securities; and

(d)          any rights under applicable corporate law, in the constating documents or otherwise, of holders of restricted securities that are the subject of the transaction either directly or following a conversion, exchange or exercise, to attend, in person or by proxy, meetings of holders of equity securities of the company and to speak at the meetings to the same extent that holders of equity securities are entitled.

15.2       If holders of restricted securities do not have all of the rights referred to in section 15.1, the detailed description referred to in section 15.1 must include, in bold-face type, a statement of the rights the holders do not have.

Item 16  Additional Information

16.1       Disclose that additional information relating to the company is on SEDAR at Disclose how securityholders may contact the company to request copies of the company's financial statements and MD&A.

16.2       Include a statement that financial information is provided in the company's comparative annual financial statements and MD&A for its most recently completed financial year.