Scheduled outage for OSC Electronic Filing Portal: February 4, 2025, from 5:30 pm to 11:30 pm (EST).
Notice of Implementation – Changes to Form 21-101F2 – Omega ATS
On September 3, 2010 Omega ATS published for comment a notice regarding changes to its Form 21-101F2 to introduce a number of new features. No comments were received. Below is a brief description of the changes and their planned implementation dates:
Cross Functionality – Subscribers will be able to select from a variety of crosses, Intentional By-Pass Cross, Internal By-Pass Cross, Basis Cross, and VWAP Cross. Omega ATS plans to implement Internal By-Pass Crosses on December 15, 2010. All other crosses will be implemented on February 15, 2011.
Pegged Orders – Pegged Orders will allow subscribers to continuously track the CBBO with a choice of Primary, Market, or Mid-Point parameter peg with or without offset up to an ultimate limit price. Omega ATS plans to implement this change on February 1, 2011 subject to satisfying the requirements imposed by the regulation services provider (IIROC).
Fixed Income Trading – Subscribers can use Omega ATS to facilitate the trading in fixed income instruments. Omega ATS plans to implement this change on December 1, 2010.
Trading in NYSE, NASDAQ and AMEX Securities – Subscribers will have the ability to trade in securities listed on the noted U.S. exchanges in Canadian dollars. Omega ATS plans to implement this change on January 15, 2011.