Women on boards roundtable

OSC Roundtable Past Event
16 oct. 2013
Event Details

Roundtable which will further explore the issues identified in OSC Staff Consultation Paper 58-401 Disclosure Requirements Regarding Women on Boards and in Senior Management, including effective policies and practices and disclosure requirements regarding women on boards and in senior management. The roundtable discussion will help inform next steps on this initiative.

The OSC also extended the comment period close date from September 27, 2013, to October 4, 2013, to allow those wishing to provide feedback on the Paper sufficient time to do so.

The roundtable will be hosted by OSC Executives, Howard Wetston, Chair and CEO, Maureen Jensen, Executive Director and CAO and Mary Condon, Vice-Chair. The roundtable will also feature external panellists representing different stakeholder perspectives. The roundtable is open to the public and members of the media.

Any interested parties wishing to attend the roundtable are asked to send an email with full contact details to: [email protected].

Purpose of the Roundtable

We published a consultation paper on July 30th seeking input on a proposal that would require TSX-listed companies to provide disclosure regarding women on their boards and in senior management and we committed to holding a roundtable to discuss the issue with stakeholders.

The focus of our consultation is on advancing the representation of women on boards and in senior management. Women continue to be underrepresented on boards and in positions of senior management in Canada. Diversity of opinion is invaluable to corporate decision making.

The roundtable discussions, in addition to the comment letters received on the paper, will inform our recommendations to the Ontario Minister of Finance and Minister Responsible for Women’s Issues who have requested that we undertake this review and public consultation.

Format of the Roundtable

The roundtable will be moderated by Howard Wetston (OSC Chair), Maureen Jensen (Executive Director), and Mary Condon (OSC Vice-Chair). There will be a number of external panellist representing different perspectives. These will include investors, public companies, corporate directors, academics and women’s advocacy groups.

The roundtable will include a discussion on policies and what is effective for increasing the number of women on boards and in senior management. There will also be a discussion on disclosure requirements and what would be most appropriate and useful.

Unedited transcript of the roundtable discussion of OSC Staff Consultation Paper 58-401 Disclosure Requirements Regarding Women on Boards and in Senior Management on October 16, 2013 which we received directly from the transcriber.

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Event Image
gender diversity roundtable