le 15 juin 2017 Start Time 10:15 am - End Time 11:30 am OSC in the Community (Sault Ste. Marie) Évènements
le 14 juin 2017 Start Time 12:00 pm - End Time 01:30 pm OSC in the Community (Sault Ste. Marie) Évènements
le 14 juin 2017 Start Time 02:00 pm - End Time 04:00 pm Effective Oversight of Service Providers and Modernization of Investment Fund Product Regulation- Alternative Funds (Session B: In-Person) Évènements
le 12 juin 2017 Start Time 02:00 pm - End Time 04:00 pm Effective Oversight of Service Providers and Modernization of Investment Fund Product Regulation- Alternative Funds (Session A: Webinar) Évènements
le 7 juin 2017 Start Time 06:30 pm - End Time 07:30 pm OSC in the Community (Teletownhall) Évènements
le 30 mai 2017 OSC Office of the Whistleblower Chief Heidi Franken will be speaking at the Canadian Institute conference on Corporate Whistleblower Compliance Évènements
le 29 mai 2017 Start Time 09:00 am - End Time 12:00 pm Roundtable on Proposed Business Conduct Rules for Derivatives Dealers and Advisers Évènements
le 25 mai 2017 OSC LaunchPad Chief Pat Chaukos will be speaking at the Payments Canada Summit on Investing in FinTech Innovation Évènements
le 12 avril 2018 Start Time 10:55 am - End Time 11:40 am Jeff Kehoe to speak at 2018 PCMA PRIVATE CAPITAL MARKETS CONFERENCE Évènements
le 12 avril 2018 Start Time 04:30 pm - End Time 05:10 pm David Surat to speak at 2018 PCMA PRIVATE CAPITAL MARKETS CONFERENCE Évènements
le 10 avril 2018 Start Time 02:00 pm - OSC Office of the Whistleblower Investigation Counsel, Ashok Menen to speak at the National Corporate Ethics and Integrity Summit Évènements